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How to Find Balance in your Daily Routine

Updated: Feb 5, 2021

Hello everyone and welcome to yet another blog post, I trust that everyone's week went well and if it didn't, it is my hope that this new week will be ten times better. As always, thank you for your continued support in reading my posts and if this is your first time here, feel welcomed and do come again.

Introductions out of the way. This week I have decided that I will be permanently rescheduling the day on which posts are made. From today onward you can expect a blog post once a week on a Sunday night. This change was made in light of the advice that I am about to share with you today.

So as the title suggests, this week I will be discussing the idea of finding balance as a life hack. My understanding of the term "hack" used in any context, is basically utilizing a non traditional route of doing something that works out making the task at hand easier to complete. Where as balance suggests having all things working in unison.

As a 20 something, the task at hand for many of us is learning how to adequately manage our time, so as to stretch enough of ourselves to work, school, socializing, self care and even family.

Needless to say, this idea of trying to find balance, is often easier said than done. Don't get me wrong we all have good intentions at heart, but having to stretch ourselves to complete all these tasks, will at some point become tiresome. Take it from me, there are days you may want to skip a class, call in sick at work, or even turn that phone off just so you can enjoy a little me time.

So how do I propose you find balance in the chaos that is for many people, my self included, our daily routine?

Well, Proper Time Management. Is that all? Yup. As humans it is often in our nature to complicate even the simplest of tasks. We procrastinate unnecessarily, leaving our work up until minutes before the deadline to be completed. Lol and if you're like me, you will rationalize these actions with statements like "I do my best work under pressure" or "I have time, I can always do it later". I don't know who you think you are fooling, but take it from a fellow procrastinator herself, you aren't fooling me.

While I won't dispute the fact, that there are some individuals who can wait just until the opportune time to complete a task and still manage to do so well, that risky lifestyle is definitely not for everybody.

On that note, let me just say, there are some tasks that you should never ever leave for last minute no matter how good you think, or even know you are, at doing it. For example, as a graphic designer, a client has charged you with creating a flyer, billboard and social media design for her campaign "Water is Life". Now, you being the excellent designer you are, decides that you will wait until the night before your pitch is due to start it. On the morning before it is due, you go to the car wash, the supermarket, visit your parents, binge watch a couple series, then make some dinner.

You are now at 8pm, ready to begin working on your pitch. You press the power button of your laptop and nothing. You do this for roughly 15 minutes, to no avail. It occurs to you that your laptop is for some reason not working and in the interest of time you decide you will create your pitch using your phone instead ("ahh the lifesaver"). You have been using your phone for almost 2 hours now. Unfortunately however, you have found no inspiration and after hours at work, looking back at you is nothing but a blank canvas.

To make a long story short, while you eventually pull something together for your 8am pitch, you know it was not your best work. As a result, you are not surprised when your client opts to discontinue working with you. You are disappointed, but you vow to learn from your mistake. Today procrastination is a thing of the past, you adequately manage your time even in completing the simplest of tasks and you live by the motto, "Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance".

As always, thank you all for reading, don't forget to like, share, comment and subscribe, see you guys next week!!!

# Survivingyour20's # FindingBalance #DailyRoutines #LifeHacks


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Hi There!

I'm Juanique better known as Jae T.

A 20something on a mission to impart as many Life Hacks, Career Development Tips, and Adulting Tricks, to young adults looking not just to survive but thrive as they navigate year 20something.

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